• Клуб на професионалните сондьори

Уеб сайта https://probuildersbg.com е създаден от The Local Sparrow по поръчка на България PRO Drillers Club
The Local Sparrow: Свързваме бизнеси с клиенти от 2000 година!

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Политика за бизквитките

What are cookies?

We and our business partners collect information about your use of our website (https://probuildersbg.com) through cookies. Cookies are information files stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone that help websites remember who you are and information about your visit. Cookies can help to display the information on a website (https://probuildersbg.com) in a way that matches your interests. Most major websites use cookies.

What cookies are used on this website (https://probuildersbg.com)?

The cookies we and our business partners use on this website (https://probuildersbg.com) are broadly grouped into the following categories:


Some of the cookies on our website (https://probuildersbg.com) are essential for us to be able to provide you with a service you have requested. Our cookie preference cookie described in the section /How can I reject or opt out of receiving cookies?/ is also an essential cookie. You may not be able to use our website (https://probuildersbg.com) without these cookies.


We use analytics cookies to helps us understand how users engage with our website (https://probuildersbg.com). An example is counting the number of different people coming to our website or using a particular feature, rather than the total number of times the site or feature is used. Without this cookie, if you visited the website once each week for three weeks we would count you as three separate users. We would find it difficult to analyse how well our website was performing and improve it without these cookies.

User Cookies

We use cookies to improve your experience by remembering your preferences so we know how you like to use our website (https://probuildersbg.com). Examples of this would be remembering you so that you are served with the same content or to remember you when you come back to the site.

Interest-Based Advertising

You will have noticed that when you visit websites you will be shown adverts for products and services you may wish to buy. The money made by website owners for showing third party adverts on their websites often pays for the cost of running the website and therefore usually allows you to use the website without having to pay a registration or usage fee. The Local Sparrow like many businesses place adverts for itself and its customers on a range of its partners websites. However, to try and ensure that the adverts you see are relevant to you we use cookies to collect information about the types of things that interest you, for example websites you visit and the geography that you are based in. Having these cookies does not increase the number of adverts you will be shown, but simply makes the adverts you see more relevant.

Advertising cookies The Local Sparrow uses on our business partner’s website

The Local Sparrow places adverts on a number of third party websites. We use cookies to control how often you are shown a particular advert on those websites, so that you do not see the same The Local Sparrow sourced advert too frequently. We do not collect any personal data within these cookies. To reject our use of these cookies please refer to your browser settings as set out in the /How can I reject or opt out of receiving cookies/ section below.

How can I reject or opt out of receiving cookies?

When you first visited this website (https://probuildersbg.com) you will have been shown a message bar drawing your attention to the fact that this website uses cookies and inviting you to review this cookie policy and manage your cookie preferences. If you do not set your preferences despite this prompt a cookie preference cookie will be dropped confirming that you consent to us using the cookies detailed in this cookie policy, this cookie preference cookie will last for no more than 5 years.

Please note that we can’t always control third party cookies stored on your machine from our website and setting your cookie preferences with us will not stop those third party cookies from being stored on your machine, you must manage these cookies directly with the relevant third party.

If you have previously consented to us storing cookies on your machine but then change your mind, you can do the following:

  • delete the cookies from your browser. Most browsers also allow you to prevent all or some cookies being stored on your machine in the future. For more information on how to delete or disable cookies from your browser please use the /help/ function within your browser. By deleting our cookie preference cookie the next time you visit this website the cookie message bar will appear again inviting you to again reconsider your preferences.
  • go to Cookie Preferences and resubmit your preferences to us; and/or
  • if you only want to reject some or all of the third party cookies you will need to visit the relevant third party’s website directly to manage cookies stored on your machine by them.

Please be aware that disabling cookies may impact the functionality of this website (https://probuildersbg.com).

Общи условия


Авторско право

  • Мнение и оценка:

Проучване на вода с георадар до 500 м дълбочина преди сондиране

А. Мавров


Палековото Монтана 3400

Оценка на услуга:


Оценка за съотношение цена - качество:


Бихте ли ни препоръчали:


от Палековото Монтана 3400

от Палековото Монтана 3400

Проучване и Сондажи за вода - Сондажни услуги за Палековото Монтана 3400

  1. Проучване с изграждане на сондаж за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  2. Откриване дълбочина на водата за сондаж Палековото Монтана 3400
  3. Геофизично откриване на вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  4. Откриване на подземна вода с георадар Палековото Монтана 3400
  5. Търсене на вода с георадар Палековото Монтана 3400
  6. ГеоРадар за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  7. Скенер за търсене на вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  8. Хидрогеоложки проучвания Палековото Монтана 3400
  9. Оценка на находища на минерални води Палековото Монтана 3400
  10. Проектиране на сондажи за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  11. Проучване за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  12. Сондаж за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  13. Водоснабдителни сондажи Палековото Монтана 3400
  14. Сондажи и кладенци за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  15. Изграждане на дълбоки сондажни кладенци Палековото Монтана 3400
  16. Сондажни услуги Палековото Монтана 3400
  17. Сондиране за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  18. Биене на сонда за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  19. Кладенец за вода Палековото Монтана 3400
  20. Сондажна фирма Палековото Монтана 3400
  21. Сондьор Палековото Монтана 3400
  22. Проучвателно ядково сондиране Палековото Монтана 3400
  23. Геотермични сондажи Палековото Монтана 3400

България PRO Drillers Club - Клуб на професионалния сондьор

  • 💧 PRO Drillers Club - Инфо Блог

Диаметри на сондиране и сондажни тръби

Предварително уточнете с какъв диаметър ще се сондира, какви тръби ще бъдат спуснати (има ли необходимите сертификати за сондажните тръби), ще бъде ли извършена циментация в гормата част на сондажа, както и какъв филц (с каква фракция) ще бъде спуснат за гравийна засипка. Най-подходящи са тръбите с фабрично прорязани филтри, с резба за присъединяване на отделните части. Те са с дебелостенни и издържат на страничен натиск.